Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Photograph Airbrushing: Better than Botox

The other day I mentioned a few tricks I use to make my photographs better for ebay and for everyday photos. The first photo editing software I love is free and it is called Picasa. The next costs about $10 on ebay and is called Adobe Elements 2.0. It is super easy to use and isn't a complicated program.

My favorite tool is airbrushing or "blur".

Here is an example. I cropped my husband out and left just me in this example.





I look like I have more of a softer glow about me and my wrinkles & the deep circles that are almost constantly under my eyes is gone.

Here is another example of what Elements 2.0 can do.




I did a bit of air brushing on my face but not much. Focus more on the bottom of my shirt. I loved this photo but looked bloated in it (probably due to the extra pounds hanging around since the hospital visit). I took off a bit from the front of my stomach. No dieting needed - ha!


My stomach and the pain are finally settling down. I am going walking in a few minutes. This will be the first time since my cyst burst that I will be exercising and I am (believe it or not) looking forward to it.

I read on the internet that cherries help with cysts and I purchased some the other day. I love cherries so this is no big deal and even if it doesn't help, I am glad to eat them.

It should be another gorgeous beach day - close to 90 degrees and sunny.

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