Today I finished up my fifth treatment. Thank you for your well wishes and prayers. I know that only God can heal but I do believe the treatments are helping.
I now have the weekend "off" since the doctor only has office hours Monday through Friday. I am half way through my treatments.
The doctor said to rest which is exactly what I will do. There are about a billion stores down here including some of my favorites: Goodwill, TJ Maxx and Target. But I will sit in my hotel room and rest. The doctor told me specifically not to walk around Target to look for dancing dresses. He may know me a bit too well at this point in our relationship ;)
Ramen noodles in bed while watching Family Feud. Recognize the bowl Mom? |
We have been using our microwave to eat in the hotel room which is a challenge but it saves me going out and saves money. Pizza, baked potatoes, ramen and rotisserie chicken are making it a bit easier to stay in bed. Yum!
I am going to be completely honest in case someone is reading this that has RSD or knows someone with RSD.
I was taking a pain pill about three times as strong as Percocet and I was taking them about 4 times a day.
Today I have taken 2 1/2 Percocet. That is a major difference and I am truly thankful for this decrease. My hope for this weekend is to continue to decrease my medicine.
Thank you all for following my journey as I try to put this RSD into remission. With Calmere, I will most likely need booster treatments. Everyone responds differently but the doctor said that I will most likely need 2-3 treatments in about 3 to 6 months. Then the length of time increases between the boosters until I won't need them at all.
My doctor was one of the first in the US to get the machine and he has had it for about 3 years. It is used on US military bases, at the Mayo clinic, at Hopkins University and a few other prestigious doctor's offices.
Please feel free to ask any questions and I will try to answer them as best I can. I am not getting paid or compensated at all to give my opinions about this treatment.