I usually have about 350-450 items on ebay. That is a lot of clothing to store! I store it all in bins in the basement.
Our basement has come a long way but still has a long way to go. We would love to put in a ceiling, paint the walls white and I would love to paint and seal the cement floor. However, that may never happen.
All my bins are organized by type and the size. The racks came from Home Depot and are under $200 each. The bins came from Wal-Mart and are about $4.39. |
Extra mailers, bubble wrap and boxes are kept here. Along with my hubby's motorcycle helmet, basketball and music stuff. Ha. |
Did you know you can get FREE priority supplies on USPS.com. Yup, I order 200 padded mailers at a time | . |
My husband works out almost every day. Me...not so much. I have maybe used our 'gym' about a dozen times in a dozen years. |
My hubby's motorcycle, our bikes and a ton of unlisted ebay stuff. I purchased about 600-700 items from someone moving to Europe three weeks ago. I have about half of it listed so far. |
Unlisted shoes and a random guitar. I think the hubby owns 7 or 8. Most are stores in the master bedroom. This one may be down here temporarily since he played bass this weekend with the band. |
Tire explosion! We have three vehicles and need studded winter tires for 2 of them. |
So...the answer to the title is...the basement. I love the room it offers.
Linking up with The Chatty Mommy. :)