I have been trying one new veggie or fruit each week for 2013.
Week 3:
Star Fruit looks kind of odd - like wax poured into a star mold. They are expensive which surprised me. My store had them for $1.99 each. Perhaps they go on sale in season (I haven't the slightest idea of when this would be) but I would not pay $2 for one piece of fruit usually.
I googled how to cut it. You simply slice off the brown tips and then cut it into pieces. Each piece is a star which is super pretty. I could see this on top of a salad or mixed into fruit salad to bring a bit of whimsy to it.
It tastes a bit citrus-y. Some parts are soft like an orange center and the middles are hard - like chewing rind. It has a bit of a tart flavor which isn't terrible. Overall, I would not eat star fruit on any kind of regular basis. I like oranges MUCH better and they are cheaper.
Week 4:
In this week's paper, I found a coupon for 50 cents off pomegranate which my store doubles. Again, it was expensive. Even with the coupon savings, I paid $2 for one piece of fruit.
My mom warned me that I would have to eat the seeds since there is no real "fruit" inside. I am not a fan of seed-eating. But, I went ahead and sliced it anyway. There are hundreds of tiny seeds!
At this point, I just wanted to throw the thing out. It kind of looks a bit gross, right?
You are supposed to slice it like an orange and then soak the entire thing for 5 minutes. Then you break apart the fruit and allow the seeds to sink to the bottom of the water. Then you have to drain the seeds. Want to know the exact steps? Here is the eHow link.
I would never spend 5 minutes on getting seeds out of fruit. This seems a bit silly to me. I barely spend 2 minutes nuking chicken strips for lunch. I have no patience when it comes to food.
Instead of doing all of that, I just picked out a few seeds with my finger and tried them.
It tastes like the inside of a grape. But then you have to chew a seed. I wasn't quite sure if you sucked off the TINY bit of 'fruit' and then spit out the seed or ate the seed so I went back to google it.
People are actually eating the seeds. They consider them roughage.
I consider it a whole lot of work for very little profit. If you have a ton of time on your hands and need a hobby, eat pomegranates.
This is not the fruit for me. I will stick with grapes which are super easy to eat and taste about the same.
Next time... sugar snap peas.
Linking up with The Chatty Mommy.
Also linking up here:
ha ha ... I love this post. I don't the big deal about pomegranates either. Stopping by from Miscellany Monday :)